Thursday, June 18, 2009

loving the

Great way to analyze articles, break down reading for different reading levels, and create a different type of response for literature! Check wordle out! Here is the article from CNN.

she tweets too

Just started to tweet...kinda funny and an option for class if we were to allow it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Web 2.0

Much of what I read about Web 2.0 makes me think that my classroom will be very different in the next few years. We are wireless (yes!) and will have computers in our classrooms, so I know I will be adding different media to enhance my lessons. Why not use what is available to me already to make a more interesting foundation for my students. They are more techno savvy than I in some cases, so this will hopefully add to their understanding of my content.

My brain is currently overwhelmed with the possibilities available to me. I could spend lots of time just finding information, so this is my challenge: when to add and change, when to leave alone, when to restructure completely! Hmmm, will have to poll my students from last year to see what areas were dry to them and then add there. It's a starting point, so here I go:)